Types of shopping bags
From the perspective of materials, large plastic bags can be divided into four categories. The materials commonly used in the market for making shopping bags include paper, plastic, cloth, and composite materials. Therefore, shopping bags can be roughly divided into paper shopping bags, plastic shopping bags, fabric shopping bags, and shopping bags made of composite or special materials. The most common and widely used types in daily life are paper and plastic shopping bags.
From the perspective of presentation and the way shopping bags are presented in society, they can be divided into free shopping bags and commodity style shopping bags. Free shopping bags are a common type of shopping bag, and the buying and selling market distributes a large number of free shopping bags every day. They also include shopping bags that are printed with merchant information at symbolic fees or very cheap prices.
The proportion of commercial shopping bags in the market is very small, let alone popular. Its scope includes shopping bags that are beautifully designed, fashionable, and have no signs of product promotion. It can also be called a handbag because it is similar in structure and function to shopping bags. Therefore, this article divides it into commercial shopping bags. In terms of price comparison, commodity style shopping bags have a higher price, mainly based on appearance design as the selling point. To a certain extent, people are paying for design and also meeting aesthetic needs.
The special function of shopping bags
As a form of packaging, shopping bags have the general function and value of product packaging Shopping bags not only have the general characteristics of protection, promotional psychology, commodity, convenience, sociality, and communication, but also have their own functions and values.
Secondary protection of goods. The protection of packaging is reflected in the product being delivered from the supplier to the consumer in perfect condition. From the perspective of practical use, the protective nature of shopping bags is an auxiliary and extension of the protective nature of product packaging, which is different from the protective nature of product packaging. Helping customers carry and transport goods after purchase is one of the main functions of shopping bags. Not only does it protect the product, but it also to some extent protects the packaging of the product. So environmentally friendly plastic bags are the protection of product packaging and the secondary protection of products. Nowadays, whenever people purchase goods or purchase more than a few items, they almost always use shopping bags, and the protection of shopping bags has become undeniable. Reassembly of product packaging materials. Shopping bags have greatly enhanced consumers' ability to purchase as many products as possible, and the packaging of these products is combined by shopping bags, forming a concentrated effect on their packaging, especially the protective effect. For the market, shopping bags help them label all the products they sell with the same label.
Has unique commercial value. Shopping bags themselves also have commercial value, making products a commodity. At the same time, beautifully designed shopping bags, with their usability and artistic value, can become a commodity for buying and selling. Shopping bags not only provide people with convenience, but also produce beautiful shopping bags. The undifferentiated human labor condensed in them satisfies people's spiritual needs and brings the commercial value of shopping bags. By adding commodity value to shopping bags, they can increase their value and reduce waste, which is beneficial for reducing environmental pollution caused by shopping bags.